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Katrin Himmler is a political scientist and a writer. She is a great-niece of Heinrich Himmler and already presented a critical review of her family history in her book “Die Brüder Himmler. Eine deutsche Familiengeschichte” (“The Himmler Brothers. A German Family History” – Frankfurt 2005, with an epilogue by Michael Wildt). In 2008, she published the article “Herrenmenschenpaare” in Dachauer Symosien zur Zeitgeschichte/ 8, Göttingen 2008.



Michael Wildt is a professor for German history of the 20th century at Humboldt University in Berlin. In recent years he has published numerous surveys on National Socialism, among them “Generation des Unbedingten. Das Führungskorps des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes”, Hamburg 2002, and was co-editor of “Dienstkalender Heinrich Himmler 1941/42”, Hamburg 1999.


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